
Managing, maintaining, and optimising digital infrastructure is a time-consuming task. Starfisk empowers your company with professionals skilled in comprehensive digital infrastructure services.


Clusters, Clusters, Clusters!

The Starfisk team is adept at constructing your cloud infrastructure and leveraging our strong network of European partners.

Embracing the DevOps philosophy, we utilise microservices — modular components that serve as building blocks to create a scalable and easily adaptable architecture.


Modular components so that all functionalities are treated separately


Each cloud infrastructure is custom made


High standards in monitoring and logging

Our Devops Flavours

Starfisk offers a range of DevOps Flavours. If these don’t serve your needs, we can always make you a tailor made cluster!

Odoo Server


  • Run Odoo on OS or in Containers (docker)
  • Automated server and database backups
  • CI/CD - gitlab server instance (optional)
  • Shared observability stack (optional)
  • Separate database server(s) (optional)
350.00 € / month
(excl. vat)
Application Server


  • Run applications on OS or in Containers (docker)
  • Automated server and database backups
  • CI/CD - gitlab server instance (optional)
  • Shared observability stack (optional)
  • Separate database server(s) (optional)
595.00 € / month
(excl. vat)
Shared cluster


  • Run applications in kubernetess (container orchestration)
  • Automated server and database backups
  • CI/CD - shared Gitlab server (development only by Starfisk)
  • Shared observability stack (optional)
  • Separate database server(s) per environment
595.00 € / month
(excl. vat)
Dedicated cluster


  • Run applications in kubernetess (container orchestration)
  • Automated server and database backups
  • CI/CD - own gitlab server instance
  • Full HA observability stack
  • Separate database server(s) per environment
  • Access - secured access to all components and virtual machines
1500.00 € / month
(excl. vat)

Why trust us on this?

We’ve been at this for a while now ...and have some real world experience. We’ve been doing CI/CD since 2012 (Jenkins) and started using Gitlab pipelines shortly after they became available. We’ve since ran over 22K Gitlab pipelines, consisting of over 70K build/deployment jobs. Each dedicated cluster is fully standalone, with proper install and usage documentation. We help and educate the client’s developers to be as self sufficient as possible, and assist in creating golden paths. Each start of as a ‘default’ cluster, but grows by client demands and requirements.

What we can offer


VM/Server Setup, maintenance & updates


Kubernetes Cluster

Your own private cluster, based upon the architecture we run ourselves. Full access to k8s, vm’s and tools.


Monitoring platform logs, metrics, alerting, tracing

Full HA observalibity stack (metrics, logs, traces and alerting). Single visualizer tool for everything.


Backup & Disaster recovery

Single, centralized backup tool for everything (in and -out of cluster backups) enabling easy selective restore. Disaster recovery: a strong combination of infra automation and backups restoration.


Proficient DevOps Engineers ready to assist

Discover our team of DevOps experts ready to support your project

background person

DevOps Lead

Develop a plan for setting up your own cloud infrastructure. Make technical comparisons with existing SaaS tools and cloud providers, both European and international.


DevOps Engineer

Optimizing software developer processes with GitLab and Docker. Enabling Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment to increase development speed.


Kubernetes Expert

Set up your own cloud infrastructure and CI/CD architecture with Kubernetes. Automatic capacity scaling as needed.


Systems Engineer

Managing cloud systems with Kubernetes. Monitoring data with Promtail, Prometheus, Tempo and Grafana. Linux server management on different distros (Debian, Ubuntu).

Modular microservices help us centralize and monetize knowledge

— Stéphane Lotz, CEO SOC Informatique
